Asplund Search helps you find your next manager, director or board member.
We recruit exclusively for the construction and property industries, drawing on our extensive expertise gained within both Danish and foreign companies. We empathise with your needs, having personally solved many of the tasks we recruit for. We have worked for consultancy, contractor and development companies, spanning roles including employee, head of department and member of the executive board.
Professionally grounded
Our combined professional backgrounds provide a deep understanding of both the candidate and you as a company, meaning we can identify a better match than many of the bigger players on the market. We handle all contact with both you and the candidate personally, and ensure that potential candidates are never lost due to inadequate or poor handling.
Honesty and pragmatism
We only engage with clients that we would work for, and likewise only introduce clients to candidates that we ourselves would hire.
Honesty and pragmatism are important values for us, you can be sure of getting honest and direct feedback and healthy sparring along the way. This also means that there are tasks we say no to if we don’t believe we have the ability to solve them
We don’t have a set process you are required to buy into. Together we will find the model that best suits your needs. Fewer PowerPoint slides, more value
Small is good
An important parameter when choosing a headhunter is that they are open about the clients they work with. The larger the company, the more customers and thus a smaller recruitment field for you. This is one of the key philosophies for establishing Asplund Search. As our customer base never gets too large, we find it easier to source the right candidates in the market. Quality over quantity.
Large network and professional tools
We recruit via LinkedIn and other social media platforms as well as leveraging our personal network built over 25 years of experience in the construction and property industries.
We are certified in Hogrefe test systems and also utilise NEO Personality Inventory-3 (NEOPI-3), one of the most broadly based personality tests on the market together with the “Intelligence Structure Test” (IST), an intelligence/skills test.
Benefit from our experience from construction site to board room for your next recruitment.
Contact us at: for a non-binding chat.
The collaboration with Asplund Search in our latest recruitments was really good and they clearly have us in mind during the whole process, and not just during the concrete tasks. Bo’s professional insight is also being used in challenging our assumptions – and done in a very pleasant way.